This wiki is very much under construction. The original wiki was set to be shut down and the wiki was largely mirrored to a Fandom-based version, though most of the reference images had not yet been copied over. This migration was put on hold when it appeared the original wiki could in fact be retained, however the old wiki was lost in its entirety when the server was among the many taken down by a massive series of cyberattacks on data centers during early February, 2023. It is now being rebuilt with the launch of Hel. Sorry if it's a little messy right now!
Sael Dutan'vir
Appeared in chapters 25
Sael was a niece of Lulianne, killed and absorbed by Khaless some time after the Nidraa'chal War.
Appearance & Personality
Sael was a female mixblood. She had long grey hair that she styled into braided pigtails. Her personality prior to being absorbed is largely unknown, but she was apparently quite close with her Aunt, Lulianne.
Biography - Arc I
Sael first appeared as a one of the many faces stolen by Khaless over the years, having absorbed Sael after she sought aid following the destruction of the Dutan'vir clan. Taking the form of Sael during a fight with Lulianne in an attempt to make the proud Dutan'vir warrior hesitate, Khaless begged Lulianne to stop attacking. While shaken, Lulianne was able to muster the will to make one final attempt to slay her attacker.
Notable Quotes
"Our clan died. I was alone. I was afraid! I sought help and they took me--I'm lost... I-I can't see!!! I can't feel my body! Please help me, Aunt!!!"[2] - Khaless, while wearing the face of Sael.