- This wiki is very much under construction. The original wiki was set to be shut down and the wiki was largely mirrored to a Fandom-based version, though most of the reference images had not yet been copied over. This migration was put on hold when it appeared the original wiki could in fact be retained, however the old wiki was lost in its entirety when the server was among the many taken down by a massive series of cyberattacks on data centers during early February, 2023. It is now being rebuilt with the launch of Hel. Sorry if it's a little messy right now!
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Vrachos is a notable ruffian inhabiting the 2nd Circle.

Appearance & Personality

Vrachos is male sculptor with pale eyes and ivory skin. Like all his kin, he has a large and powerful frame that towers over most other denizens. Otherwise bare, his head is crowned by a single prominent horn. While clad only in simply grey trousers, he has a purple gemstone of unknown function embedded within his chest.

Though all sculptors have a body well-suited for brute force, Vrachos also has the temperament to match. Displaying little patience, he is crude, brazen, and arrogant. While those traits serve him well intimidating weaker opponents and carving out a small territory for himself, they do little to aid him when confronting more formidable threats such as an ascended.


Vrachos crushes Nine in his grip.[1]

Vrachos first appears responding to a commotion caused by Nine within the 2nd Circle. Having found one of her fallen peers gruesomely chained to a local monument as a warning, Nine attempted to free the crippled angel. Noticing her efforts but mistaking it as an attempt to loot the body, Vrachos began angrily berating Nine.[2] However, he briefly caught sight of Nine's face under her cloak, pausing in confusion as Nine abandoned her efforts and doomed compatriot alike.

Suspicious, Vrachos tracked down Nine within the markets. Face to face and with his suspicions now confirmed, Vrachos publicly outed Nine as an Aesir and mockingly identified her as a "stray glowing bird".[3] Though briefly distracted by Cohlada when the latter threw himself at Vrachos' face, Nine's options for escape within the rallied crowd were limited he soon stood before her once again - though the distraction did buy time for Bale to arrive.[4]

Recognizing Bale and bristling at the interference, Vrachos crudely ordered Bale to leave while claiming Nine as his to claim. Unmoved, Bale calmly warned Vrachos to back down, eliciting uproarious laughter from the brute. Loudly espousing his claim to the local area, Vrachos hit Bale with a powerful haymaker that drove him into a nearby earthen spire with enough force to dislodge rocks.[5]

Notable Quotes

"Alive is better. But broken is fine."[1] - While slowly crushing Nine in his grip.

Character Concept

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